Centrifugal Sand Pumps
The HSB8×6×14, HSB8×6×11 Centrifugal Pump is used to offer various discharge capacities and pressures for desanders, mud cleaners, blenders and charge pump applications. HSB6×5×14,HSB6×5×11 centrifugal pumps are generally used as support equipment for automatic drilling rigs. HSB4×3×13 centrifugal pump is mainly used for measuring tanks and is generally named as volume pump. HSB3×2×13 centrifugal pumps are used as prime movers for water tanks and the cooling systems and are also called water pumps.
Hilu-Ya Co.Ltd. Tel: 林雷13938589132/梁伟芳15890188407 E-mail:1253971408@qq.com/liang191127@163.com Website:http://en.hilu-ya.com/ Add:Intersection of Wanshan Road and 310 National Road in Xingyang City, Zhengzhou.